Friday, February 08, 2008

Scotland Yard’s report

Scotland Yard’s report is out and they have concluded that Benazir Bhutto died after the suicide blast detonated and due to the impact of the blast she hit her head to something resulting in a fatal injury. This is a complete prevarication. How can Scotland Yard conclude such a thing when there is clear evidence that she was hit by a bullet?

There are clips showing that Benazir Bhutto went down immediately after the shots were fired at her and also it is clearly obvious in all the clips that she went down before the blast took place. People who were with her in the car have also said the same.

Doctors at Rawalpindi hospital initially stated that when Benazir Bhutto was brought to the hospital she was having problems in breathing and she was hit by something in her neck. One of the clips clearly showed that she was hit by a bullet as her hair and scarf moved in a particular way as if something has penetrated through her hair and scarf.

It is very sad to see such a conflicting report from the Scotland Yard but then again we have to bear in mind that the Scotland Yard was asked to carry out the inquest by Musharraf and also we must remember the way an ex-Scotland Yard expert handled Bob Woolmer’s inquest.

It seems that the Scotland Yard did not even look at the evidence and they just carried out the inquest in the manner they were probably asked to. At least people would now understand why PPP and relatives of Benazir Bhutto were pressing for an independent inquiry from an independent body.

Asim H. Akhund

1 comment:

Akhund said...

Dear Ms Khan

After this comment I replied in aafirmative but I haven't heard from you. The reason to contact now is that I am not posting on my blogs very often but i am writing frequently. I thought I will ask you whether i can also be a contributor to Pak Spectator.

