After hearing Musharraf’s speech last night, I was pondering over his words that he has made Pakistan a better place than it was in 1999. I couldn’t agree to this statement. Infact, Musharraf has created more mess than it was back in 1999 when he took charge. In 1999, it was one party in the government by mandate and Pakistan was moving forward towards democracy in a better way than it is now.
Today, we see three major parties, none sure of what and how the elections are going to be conducted. The caretaker governments are handpicked by Musharraf and his cronies and it is obvious, just like hand picked judges of the Supreme Court validated Musharraf’s presidential election, the caretakers would also care less about free and fair elections instead follow the instructions they are handed over by Musharraf. The suicide bombing issue was unheard of at that time but now it looms over all the processions and political gatherings.
Musharraf imposed emergency simply to validate his election as a president and it is very clear that no other threat was the reason of emergency. If Musharraf still insists it was because the Supreme Court was letting loose the terrorists than why are those judges still serving as judges of Supreme Court who actually gave judgments to free those alleged terrorists. It is very sad to see that the army has been used for nine years to rule and in the end it was tyrannically used to ensure Musharraf a safe exit. The army has been played into Musharraf's hands time and again and Musharraf has used it in every damn way to extend his rein. Emergency slammed on Pakistan’s face just to have a verdict which Musharraf wanted.
Heroes of the country were never treated as they were treated in Musharraf’s time specifically Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan.
Musharraf's speech clearly hinted that the derailing of the process of his election was the main idea of the emergency not caring at all what the county is going to face due to such act. In 1999, there was no situation like Baluchistan, FATA and now Swat. Musharraf should read the Hamood Rehman commission report and see what and who was the reason of East and West Pakistan split. Actions of our armed forces in Balochistan, FATA and Swat are not very different. No sanctions of such operations from our so called Parliament yet our armed forces are being used to oppress their own nation. The consequences are not going to be different than 1971 split.
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