Saturday, May 17, 2008
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Walk for the Restoration of Judiciary on 8th May

PR expresses its disappointment that this important issue has not been addressed as promised. This protest acquires even more significance in view of the increasingly lesser chances of a solution by the 12th of May. Fakhruddin G Ibrahim opting out in protest from the core mediating body in Islamabad and the postponement of the bye-elections all have added to the crisis. We would like to reiterate the demand for urgent and unconditional restoration of judiciary.
All concerned citizens /groups are requested to join and show solidarity for the cause of restoration of original judges.
People’s Resistance is a coalition of students, teachers, NGOs, journalists and citizens concerned with restoration of judiciary, freedom of media and restoration of constitution. Bring banners, placards, flags, T-shirts and your friends!
All those in Karachi are requested to join. Please inform all your friends in Karachi.
Location: Khada Market DHA (in front of Rahat Milk Shop)
Time: 6:15 sharp
Facebook Event: Walk for the Restoration of Judiciary - May 8th
[Courtesy Teeth.com.pk]
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Breaking News: Dubai talks failed or succeeded!!!
While asserting the above, Nawaz has said that formal announcement regarding the talks would be made on Friday the 2nd of May in Lahore, there are still some doubts; i) why did Asif Zardari leave before the talks concluded? ii) why PPP members have been meeting foreign delegates throughout these talks? iii) who exactly were these delegates and what were they discussing with them? iv) why Farooq H Naik was putting his words in Nawaz's mouth while Nawaz was addressing the media? v) why Nawaz Sharif would be making an announcement tomorrow why not the coalition i.e. a joint announcement? and vi) why Asif Zardari has not spoken to media since these talks started?.
Are we still being fooled by these politicians like they did when Murree and Bhurban declarations were being signed?